927 B
927 B
Implement style configs, tab settings
Refactor tree-sitter-highlight to work like the atom one, recomputing partial tree updates.
syntax errors highlight query
UI work: completion popup
- selection mode
- % for whole doc selection
- vertical splits
- input counts (30j)
- retain horiz when moving vertically
- update lsp on redo/undo
- Implement marks (superset of Selection/Range)
- ctrl-v/ctrl-x on file picker
- linewise selection work
- goto definition
- nixos packaging
- CI binary builds
- extend selection (treesitter select parent node) (replaces viw, vi(, va( etc )
- bracket pairs
- comment block (gcc)
- completion signature popups/docs
- multiple views into the same file
- diagnostics popups
- diff mode with highlighting?
- snippet support (tab to jump between marks)
- gamelisp/wasm scripting
- rendering via skulpin/skia or raw wgpu