Blaž Hrastnik 025d63bc30 Update TODO
2021-03-24 18:16:15 +09:00

1.9 KiB

  • Refactor tree-sitter-highlight to work like the atom one, recomputing partial tree updates.
  • syntax errors highlight query

  • use signature_help_provider and completion_provider trigger characters in a hook to trigger signature help text / autocompletion
  • document_on_type provider triggers
  • completion isIncomplete support


  • respect view fullscreen flag

  • Implement marks (superset of Selection/Range)

  • ctrl-v/ctrl-x on file picker

  • linewise selection work

  • nixos packaging

  • CI binary builds

  • regex search / select next

  • open_above (O) command

  • = for auto indent line/selection

  • yank on delete

  • :x for closing buffers

  • jumplist (push selections on goto / select on the view)

  • repeat insert/command -> transaction

  • repeat selection

  • load toml configs, themes, tabsize/identation

  • draw separator line between views

  • lsp: signature help

  • lsp: hover

  • lsp: document symbols (nested/vec)

  • lsp: code actions

  • lsp: formatting

  • lsp: goto

  • decide if markdown should have vertical padding too

  • completion/signature_help should be async callbacks to method responses.

  • the hooks system should be better for pre/post insert.


  • surround bindings (select + surround ( wraps selection in parens )
  • macro recording
  • tab completion for paths on the prompt
  • extend selection (treesitter select parent node) (replaces viw, vi(, va( etc )
  • bracket pairs
  • comment block (gcc)
  • completion signature popups/docs
  • multiple views into the same file
  • selection align
  • store some state between restarts: file positions, prompt history
  • highlight matched characters in completion


  • diagnostics popups
  • diff mode with highlighting?
  • snippet support (tab to jump between marks)
  • gamelisp/wasm scripting


  • rendering via skulpin/skia or raw wgpu