#![feature(lang_items)] #![feature(alloc)] #![feature(naked_functions)] #![feature(untagged_unions)] #![feature(asm)] #![feature(optin_builtin_traits)] #![feature(panic_info_message)] #![feature(global_asm)] #![no_std] // just keep it ... #[macro_use] extern crate alloc; #[macro_use] extern crate log; #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; pub use crate::process::{processor, new_kernel_context}; use rcore_thread::std_thread as thread; use buddy_system_allocator::LockedHeap; #[macro_use] // print! mod logging; mod memory; mod lang; mod util; mod consts; mod process; mod syscall; mod fs; mod sync; mod trap; mod shell; mod drivers; mod net; mod backtrace; #[allow(dead_code)] #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] #[path = "arch/x86_64/mod.rs"] pub mod arch; #[cfg(target_arch = "mips")] #[path = "arch/mipsel/mod.rs"] pub mod arch; #[cfg(any(target_arch = "riscv32", target_arch = "riscv64"))] #[path = "arch/riscv32/mod.rs"] pub mod arch; #[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")] #[path = "arch/aarch64/mod.rs"] pub mod arch; pub fn kmain() -> ! { processor().run(); } /// Global heap allocator /// /// Available after `memory::init()`. /// /// It should be defined in memory mod, but in Rust `global_allocator` must be in root mod. #[global_allocator] static HEAP_ALLOCATOR: LockedHeap = LockedHeap::empty();