# PREREQS You will need to install the riscv64gc target using rustup as well as cargo-binutils using cargo. * rustup target add riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf * cargo install cargo-binutils # BUILDING Edit .cargo/config to match your host's configuration. The runner will execute when you type `cargo run`. Type `cargo build` to start the build process. Type `cargo run` to run using the runner provided in .cargo/config # RELEASE BUILDS Release builds turn on the optimizer and make it run much quicker. To run release builds, add `--release` as a parameter to cargo: * cargo build --release * cargo run --release # HARD DRIVE FILE To run this as I have it configured, you'll need a hard drive file called hdd.dsk in this directory. You can create an empty one by typing the following. * fallocate -l 32M hdd.dsk