Implementation uses sliding midpoint variation of the tree. [More Info here](
Where id is just a example of the way in which I carry the data.
With that trait implemented you are good to go to use the tree. Keep in mind that the kdtree is not a self balancing tree, so it should not support continous add. right now the tree just handles the build up from Vec. Basic usage can be found in the integration test, fragment copied below:
let tree = kdtree::kdtree::Kdtree::new(&mut points.clone());
//test points pushed into the tree, id should be equal.
Since raw values arent saying much I've created the benchmark comparing this implementation against CGAL. code of the benchmark is available here:
Rust_tree_lookup has some overhead since the libraries are being invoked from C code into Rust, and there is minor overhead of that in between, my experience indicates around 50 ns overhead.