mirror of
synced 2024-11-24 18:36:19 +04:00
k210-shared: Rewrite compute_params to use fixed-point
This code is adapted from a patch I wrote for U-Boot "clk: Add K210 pll support" Forty-Bot/u-boot@7d95737a93. Significant reference was made to the datasheet for the PLL, which may be found by searching for "tcitsmcn40ggpmplla1". For testing, I use a "brute force" version of the algorithm which is significantly simpler code-wise. Signed-off-by: Sean Anderson <seanga2@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
use core::convert::TryInto;
use libm::F64Ext;
/** PLL configuration */
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Params {
@ -10,180 +7,563 @@ pub struct Params {
pub bwadj: u8,
/* constants for PLL frequency computation */
const VCO_MIN: f64 = 3.5e+08;
const VCO_MAX: f64 = 1.75e+09;
const REF_MIN: f64 = 1.36719e+07;
const REF_MAX: f64 = 1.75e+09;
const NR_MIN: i32 = 1;
const NR_MAX: i32 = 16;
const NF_MIN: i32 = 1;
const NF_MAX: i32 = 64;
const NO_MIN: i32 = 1;
const NO_MAX: i32 = 16;
const NB_MIN: i32 = 1;
const NB_MAX: i32 = 64;
const MAX_VCO: bool = true;
const REF_RNG: bool = true;
* The PLL included with the Kendryte K210 appears to be a True Circuits, Inc.
* General-Purpose PLL. The logical layout of the PLL with internal feedback is
* approximately the following:
* +---------------+
* |reference clock|
* +---------------+
* |
* v
* +--+
* |/r|
* +--+
* |
* v
* +-------------+
* |divided clock|
* +-------------+
* |
* v
* +--------------+
* |phase detector|<---+
* +--------------+ |
* | |
* v +--------------+
* +---+ |feedback clock|
* |VCO| +--------------+
* +---+ ^
* | +--+ |
* +--->|/f|---+
* | +--+
* v
* +---+
* |/od|
* +---+
* |
* v
* +------+
* |output|
* +------+
* The k210 PLLs have three factors: r, f, and od. Because of the feedback mode,
* the effect of the division by f is to multiply the input frequency. The
* equation for the output rate is
* rate = (rate_in * f) / (r * od).
* Moving knowns to one side of the equation, we get
* rate / rate_in = f / (r * od)
* Rearranging slightly,
* abs_error = abs((rate / rate_in) - (f / (r * od))).
* To get relative, error, we divide by the expected ratio
* error = abs((rate / rate_in) - (f / (r * od))) / (rate / rate_in).
* Simplifying,
* error = abs(1 - f / (r * od)) / (rate / rate_in)
* error = abs(1 - (f * rate_in) / (r * od * rate))
* Using the constants ratio = rate / rate_in and inv_ratio = rate_in / rate,
* error = abs((f * inv_ratio) / (r * od) - 1)
* This is the error used in evaluating parameters.
* r and od are four bits each, while f is six bits. Because r and od are
* multiplied together, instead of the full 256 values possible if both bits
* were used fully, there are only 97 distinct products. Combined with f, there
* are 6208 theoretical settings for the PLL. However, most of these settings
* can be ruled out immediately because they do not have the correct ratio.
* In addition to the constraint of approximating the desired ratio, parameters
* must also keep internal pll frequencies within acceptable ranges. The divided
* clock's minimum and maximum frequencies have a ratio of around 128. This
* leaves fairly substantial room to work with, especially since the only
* affected parameter is r. The VCO's minimum and maximum frequency have a ratio
* of 5, which is considerably more restrictive.
* The r and od factors are stored in a table. This is to make it easy to find
* the next-largest product. Some products have multiple factorizations, but
* only when one factor has at least a 2.5x ratio to the factors of the other
* factorization. This is because any smaller ratio would not make a difference
* when ensuring the VCO's frequency is within spec.
* Throughout the calculation function, fixed point arithmetic is used. Because
* the range of rate and rate_in may be up to 1.75 GHz, or around 2^30, 64-bit
* 32.32 fixed-point numbers are used to represent ratios. In general, to
* implement division, the numerator is first multiplied by 2^32. This gives a
* result where the whole number part is in the upper 32 bits, and the fraction
* is in the lower 32 bits.
* In general, rounding is done to the closest integer. This helps find the best
* approximation for the ratio. Rounding in one direction (e.g down) could cause
* the function to miss a better ratio with one of the parameters increased by
* one.
const VCO_MIN: u64 = 340_000_000;
const VCO_MAX: u64 = 1_750_000_000;
const DIV_MIN: u32 = 13_300_000;
const DIV_MAX: u32 = 1_750_000_000;
const R_MIN: u32 = 1;
const R_MAX: u32 = 16;
const F_MIN: u32 = 1;
const F_MAX: u32 = 64;
const OD_MIN: u32 = 1;
const OD_MAX: u32 = 16;
const OUT_MIN: u32 = (VCO_MIN as u32) / OD_MAX; /* 21_250_000 */
const OUT_MAX: u32 = (VCO_MAX as u32) / OD_MIN; /* 1_750_000_000 */
const IN_MIN: u32 = DIV_MIN * R_MIN; /* 13_300_000 */
const IN_MAX: u32 = OUT_MAX; /* 1_750_000_000 */
* Calculate PLL registers' value by finding closest matching parameters
* NOTE: this uses floating point math ... this is horrible for something so critical :-(
* TODO: implement this without fp ops
* The factors table was generated with the following python code:
* def p(x, y):
* return (1.0*x/y > 2.5) or (1.0*y/x > 2.5)
* factors = {}
* for i in range(1, 17):
* for j in range(1, 17):
* fs = factors.get(i*j) or []
* if fs == [] or all([
* (p(i, x) and p(i, y)) or (p(j, x) and p(j, y))
* for (x, y) in fs]):
* fs.append((i, j))
* factors[i*j] = fs
* for k, l in sorted(factors.items()):
* for v in l:
* print("pack(%s, %s)," % v)
struct Factor {
packed: u8,
/* Apologies, but there are no native bitfields (yet) afaik */
const fn pack(r: u32, od: u32) -> Factor {
Factor { packed: (((((r as u8) - 1) & 0xF) << 4) | (((od as u8) - 1) & 0xF)) }
const fn unpack_r(factor: &&Factor) -> u32 {
(((factor.packed as u32) >> 4) & 0xF) + 1
const fn unpack_od(factor: &&Factor) -> u32 {
((factor.packed as u32) & 0xF) + 1
static FACTORS: &'static [Factor] = &[
pack(1, 1),
pack(1, 2),
pack(1, 3),
pack(1, 4),
pack(1, 5),
pack(1, 6),
pack(1, 7),
pack(1, 8),
pack(1, 9),
pack(3, 3),
pack(1, 10),
pack(1, 11),
pack(1, 12),
pack(3, 4),
pack(1, 13),
pack(1, 14),
pack(1, 15),
pack(3, 5),
pack(1, 16),
pack(4, 4),
pack(2, 9),
pack(2, 10),
pack(3, 7),
pack(2, 11),
pack(2, 12),
pack(5, 5),
pack(2, 13),
pack(3, 9),
pack(2, 14),
pack(2, 15),
pack(2, 16),
pack(3, 11),
pack(5, 7),
pack(3, 12),
pack(3, 13),
pack(4, 10),
pack(3, 14),
pack(4, 11),
pack(3, 15),
pack(3, 16),
pack(7, 7),
pack(5, 10),
pack(4, 13),
pack(6, 9),
pack(5, 11),
pack(4, 14),
pack(4, 15),
pack(7, 9),
pack(4, 16),
pack(5, 13),
pack(6, 11),
pack(5, 14),
pack(6, 12),
pack(5, 15),
pack(7, 11),
pack(6, 13),
pack(5, 16),
pack(9, 9),
pack(6, 14),
pack(8, 11),
pack(6, 15),
pack(7, 13),
pack(6, 16),
pack(7, 14),
pack(9, 11),
pack(10, 10),
pack(8, 13),
pack(7, 15),
pack(9, 12),
pack(10, 11),
pack(7, 16),
pack(9, 13),
pack(8, 15),
pack(11, 11),
pack(9, 14),
pack(8, 16),
pack(10, 13),
pack(11, 12),
pack(9, 15),
pack(10, 14),
pack(11, 13),
pack(9, 16),
pack(10, 15),
pack(11, 14),
pack(12, 13),
pack(10, 16),
pack(11, 15),
pack(12, 14),
pack(13, 13),
pack(11, 16),
pack(12, 15),
pack(13, 14),
pack(12, 16),
pack(13, 15),
pack(14, 14),
pack(13, 16),
pack(14, 15),
pack(14, 16),
pack(15, 15),
pack(15, 16),
pack(16, 16),
/* Divide and round to the closest integer */
fn div_round_closest(n: u64, d: u32) -> u64 {
let _d: u64 = d as u64;
(n + (_d / 2)) / _d
/* Integer with that bit set */
fn bit(bit: u8) -> u64 {
1 << bit
/* | a - b | */
fn abs_diff(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 {
if a > b {
a - b
} else {
b - a
pub fn compute_params(freq_in: u32, freq_out: u32) -> Option<Params> {
let fin: f64 = freq_in.into();
let fout: f64 = freq_out.into();
let val: f64 = fout / fin;
let terr: f64 = 0.5 / ((NF_MAX / 2) as f64);
// NOTE: removed the handling that the Kendryte SDK has for terr<=0.0, as this is impossible
// given that NF_MAX is a positive integer constant
let mut merr: f64 = terr;
let mut x_nrx: i32 = 0;
let mut x_no: i32 = 0;
let mut best: Option<Params> = None;
let mut factors = FACTORS.iter().peekable();
let (mut error, mut best_error): (i64, i64);
let (ratio, inv_ratio): (u64, u64); /* fixed point 32.32 ratio of the freqs */
let max_r: u32;
let (mut r, mut f, mut od): (u32, u32, u32);
// Parameters to be exported from the loop
let mut found: Option<Params> = None;
for nfi in (val as i32)..NF_MAX {
let nr: i32 = ((nfi as f64) / val).round() as i32;
if nr == 0 {
* Can't go over 1.75 GHz or under 21.25 MHz due to limitations on the
* VCO frequency. These are not the same limits as below because od can
* reduce the output frequency by 16.
if freq_out > OUT_MAX || freq_out < OUT_MIN {
return None;
if REF_RNG && (nr < NR_MIN) {
if fin / (nr as f64) > REF_MAX {
let mut nrx: i32 = nr;
let mut nf: i32 = nfi;
let mut nfx: i64 = nfi.into();
let nval: f64 = (nfx as f64) / (nr as f64);
if nf == 0 {
nf = 1;
let err: f64 = 1.0 - nval / val;
if (err.abs() < merr * (1.0 + 1e-6)) || (err.abs() < 1e-16) {
let mut not: i32 = (VCO_MAX / fout).floor() as i32;
let mut no: i32 = if not > NO_MAX { NO_MAX } else { not };
while no > NO_MIN {
if (REF_RNG) && ((nr / no) < NR_MIN) {
no -= 1;
/* Similar restrictions on the input ratio */
if freq_in > IN_MAX || freq_in < IN_MIN {
return None;
if (nr % no) == 0 {
ratio = div_round_closest((freq_out as u64) << 32, freq_in);
inv_ratio = div_round_closest((freq_in as u64) << 32, freq_out);
/* Can't increase by more than 64 or reduce by more than 256 */
if freq_out > freq_in && ratio > (64 << 32) {
return None;
} else if freq_out <= freq_in && inv_ratio > (256 << 32) {
return None;
* The divided clock (freq_in / r) must stay between 1.75 GHz and 13.3
* MHz. There is no minimum, since the only way to get a higher input
* clock than 26 MHz is to use a clock generated by a PLL. Because PLLs
* cannot output frequencies greater than 1.75 GHz, the minimum would
* never be greater than one.
max_r = freq_in / DIV_MIN;
/* Variables get immediately incremented, so start at -1th iteration */
f = 0;
r = 0;
od = 0;
best_error = i64::max_value();
error = best_error;
/* Always try at least one ratio */
'outer: loop {
* Whether we swapped r and od while enforcing frequency limits
let mut swapped: bool = false;
let last_od: u32 = od;
let last_r: u32 = r;
* Try the next largest value for f (or r and od) and
* recalculate the other parameters based on that
if freq_out > freq_in {
* Skip factors of the same product if we already tried
* out that product
while r * od == last_r * last_od {
match factors.next() {
Some(factor) => {
r = unpack_r(&factor);
od = unpack_od(&factor);
None => break 'outer,
/* Round close */
f = ((((r * od) as u64) * ratio + bit(31)) >> 32) as u32;
if f > F_MAX {
f = F_MAX;
} else {
f += 1;
let tmp: u64 = (f as u64) * inv_ratio;
let round_up: bool = tmp & bit(31) != 0;
let goal: u32 = ((tmp >> 32) as u32) + (round_up as u32);
let (err, last_err): (u32, u32);
* Get the next r/od pair in factors. If the last_* pair is better,
* then we will use it instead, so don't call next until after we're
* sure we won't need this pair.
loop {
match factors.peek() {
Some(factor) => {
r = unpack_r(factor);
od = unpack_od(factor)
None => break 'outer,
if r * od < goal {
} else {
no -= 1;
if (nr % no) != 0 {
let mut nor: i32 = (if not > NO_MAX { NO_MAX } else { not }) / no;
let mut nore: i32 = NF_MAX / nf;
if nor > nore {
nor = nore;
let noe: i32 = (VCO_MIN / fout).ceil() as i32;
if !MAX_VCO {
nore = (noe - 1) / no + 1;
nor = nore;
not = 0; /* force next if to fail */
if (((no * nor) < (not >> 1)) || ((no * nor) < noe)) && ((no * nor) < (NF_MAX / nf)) {
no = NF_MAX / nf;
if no > NO_MAX {
no = NO_MAX;
if no > not {
no = not;
nfx *= no as i64;
nf *= no;
if (no > 1) && !found.is_none() {
/* wait for larger nf in later iterations */
* This is a case of double rounding. If we rounded up
* above, we need to round down (in cases of ties) here.
* This prevents off-by-one errors resulting from
* choosing X+2 over X when X.Y rounds up to X+1 and
* there is no r * od = X+1. For the converse, when X.Y
* is rounded down to X, we should choose X+1 over X-1.
err = abs_diff(r * od, goal);
last_err = abs_diff(last_r * last_od, goal);
if last_err < err || (round_up && last_err == err) {
r = last_r;
od = last_od;
} else {
nrx /= no;
nfx *= nor as i64;
nf *= nor;
no *= nor;
if no > NO_MAX {
if (nor > 1) && !found.is_none() {
/* wait for larger nf in later iterations */
let mut nb: i32 = nfx as i32;
if nb < NB_MIN {
nb = NB_MIN;
if nb > NB_MAX {
let fvco: f64 = fin / (nrx as f64) * (nfx as f64);
if fvco < VCO_MIN {
if fvco > VCO_MAX {
if nf < NF_MIN {
if REF_RNG && (fin / (nrx as f64) < REF_MIN) {
if REF_RNG && (nrx > NR_MAX) {
if found.is_some() {
// check that this reduces error compared to minimum error value, or is an improvement
// in no or nrx
if !((err.abs() < merr * (1.0 - 1e-6)) || (MAX_VCO && (no > x_no))) {
if nrx > x_nrx {
found = Some(Params {
clkr: (nrx - 1).try_into().unwrap(),
clkf: (nfx - 1).try_into().unwrap(),
clkod: (no - 1).try_into().unwrap(),
bwadj: (nb - 1).try_into().unwrap(),
* Enforce limits on internal clock frequencies. If we
* aren't in spec, try swapping r and od. If everything is
* in-spec, calculate the relative error.
loop {
* Whether the intermediate frequencies are out-of-spec
let mut out_of_spec: bool = false;
if r > max_r {
out_of_spec = true;
} else {
* There is no way to only divide once; we need
* to examine the frequency with and without the
* effect of od.
let vco: u64 = div_round_closest((freq_in as u64) * (f as u64), r);
if vco > VCO_MAX || vco < VCO_MIN {
out_of_spec = true;
if out_of_spec {
if !swapped {
let tmp: u32 = r;
r = od;
od = tmp;
swapped = true;
} else {
* Try looking ahead to see if there are
* additional factors for the same
* product.
match factors.peek() {
Some(factor) => {
let new_r: u32 = unpack_r(factor);
let new_od: u32 = unpack_od(factor);
if r * od == new_r * new_od {
r = new_r;
od = new_od;
swapped = false;
} else {
None => break 'outer,
error = div_round_closest((f as u64) * inv_ratio, r * od) as i64;
/* The lower 16 bits are spurious */
error = i64::abs(error - (bit(32) as i64)) >> 16;
if error < best_error {
best_error = error;
best = Some(Params {
clkr: (r - 1) as u8,
clkf: (f - 1) as u8,
clkod: (od - 1) as u8,
bwadj: (f - 1) as u8,
merr = err.abs();
x_no = no;
x_nrx = nrx;
if error == 0 {
if merr >= terr * (1.0 - 1e-6) {
} else {
return best;
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn brute_force_params(freq_in: u32, freq_out: u32) -> Option<Params> {
let mut best: Option<Params> = None;
let (mut error, mut best_error): (i64, i64);
let (max_r, inv_ratio): (u32, u64);
best_error = i64::max_value();
max_r = u32::min(R_MAX, (freq_in / DIV_MIN) as u32);
inv_ratio = div_round_closest((freq_in as u64) << 32, freq_out);
/* Brute force it */
for r in R_MIN..=max_r {
for f in F_MIN..=F_MAX {
for od in OD_MIN..=OD_MAX {
let vco: u64 = div_round_closest((freq_in as u64) * (f as u64), r);
if vco > VCO_MAX || vco < VCO_MIN {
error = div_round_closest((f as u64) * inv_ratio, r * od) as i64;
/* The lower 16 bits are spurious */
error = i64::abs(error - (bit(32) as i64)) >> 16;
if error < best_error {
best_error = error;
best = Some(Params {
clkr: (r - 1) as u8,
clkf: (f - 1) as u8,
clkod: (od - 1) as u8,
bwadj: (f - 1) as u8,
return best;
fn params_equal(_a: Option<Params>, _b: Option<Params>) -> bool {
match (_a, _b) {
(None, None) => true,
(Some(_), None) => false,
(None, Some(_)) => false,
(Some(a), Some(b)) => {
let ar: u32 = (a.clkr + 1) as u32;
let af: u32 = (a.clkf + 1) as u32;
let aod: u32 = (a.clkod + 1) as u32;
let br: u32 = (b.clkr + 1) as u32;
let bf: u32 = (b.clkf + 1) as u32;
let bod: u32 = (b.clkod + 1) as u32;
af * br * bod == bf * ar * aod
fn verify_compute_params(freq_in: u32, freq_out: u32) -> bool {
params_equal(compute_params(freq_in, freq_out), brute_force_params(freq_in, freq_out))
fn test_ompute_params() {
/* check against output of C implementation */
assert_eq!(compute_params(26_000_000, 1_500_000_000), Some(Params { clkr: 0, clkf: 57, clkod: 0, bwadj: 57 }));
assert_eq!(compute_params(26_000_000, 1_000_000_000), Some(Params { clkr: 0, clkf: 37, clkod: 0, bwadj: 37 }));
assert_eq!(compute_params(26_000_000, 800_000_000), Some(Params { clkr: 0, clkf: 61, clkod: 1, bwadj: 61 }));
assert_eq!(compute_params(26_000_000, 700_000_000), Some(Params { clkr: 0, clkf: 53, clkod: 1, bwadj: 53 }));
assert_eq!(compute_params(26_000_000, 300_000_000), Some(Params { clkr: 0, clkf: 45, clkod: 3, bwadj: 45 }));
assert_eq!(compute_params(26_000_000, 45_158_400), Some(Params { clkr: 0, clkf: 25, clkod: 14, bwadj: 25 }));
fn test_compute_params() {
assert_eq!(compute_params(26_000_000, 0), None);
assert_eq!(compute_params(0, 390_000_000), None);
assert_eq!(compute_params(26_000_000, 2_000_000_000), None);
assert_eq!(compute_params(2_000_000_000, 390_000_000), None);
assert_eq!(compute_params(20_000_000, 1_500_000_000), None);
assert!(verify_compute_params(26_000_000, 1_500_000_000));
assert!(verify_compute_params(26_000_000, 1_000_000_000));
assert!(verify_compute_params(26_000_000, 800_000_000));
assert!(verify_compute_params(26_000_000, 700_000_000));
assert!(verify_compute_params(26_000_000, 300_000_000));
assert!(verify_compute_params(26_000_000, 45_158_400));
assert!(verify_compute_params(26_000_000, 27_000_000));
assert!(verify_compute_params(27_000_000, 26_000_000));
assert!(verify_compute_params(390_000_000, 26_000_000));
assert!(verify_compute_params(390_000_000, 383_846_400));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user