diff --git a/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md b/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md index 491cd4249..d8c15c72f 100644 --- a/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -8,7 +8,10 @@ # Contributing - Help with packaging on various distributions needed! - To use print debugging to the [Helix log file][log-file], you must: * Print using `log::info!`, `warn!`, or `error!`. (`log::info!("helix!")`) - * Pass the appropriate verbosity level option for the desired log level. (`hx -v ` for info, more `v`s for higher severity inclusive) + * Pass the appropriate verbosity level option for the desired log level. (`hx -v ` for info, more `v`s for higher verbosity) + * Want to display the logs in a separate file instead of using the `:log-open` command in your compiled Helix editor? Start your debug version with `cargo run -- --log foo.log` and in a new terminal use `tail -f foo.log` +- Instead of running a release version of Helix, while developing you may want to run in debug mode with `cargo run` which is way faster to compile +- Looking for even faster compile times? Give a try to [mold](https://github.com/rui314/mold) - If your preferred language is missing, integrating a tree-sitter grammar for it and defining syntax highlight queries for it is straight forward and doesn't require much knowledge of the internals.