Most of the changes are for database access now requiring an &mut connection.
17 lines
690 B
17 lines
690 B
-- SQL functions for handling dates
create function year_of_timestamp(arg timestamp with time zone)
returns smallint
language sql immutable strict parallel safe
as $func$ select cast(date_part('year', arg at time zone 'UTC') as smallint); $func$;
create function month_of_timestamp(arg timestamp with time zone)
returns smallint
language sql immutable strict parallel safe
as $func$ select cast(date_part('month', arg at time zone 'UTC') as smallint); $func$;
create function day_of_timestamp(arg timestamp with time zone)
returns smallint
language sql immutable strict parallel safe
as $func$ select cast(date_part('day', arg at time zone 'UTC') as smallint); $func$;