Rasmus Kaj 8ee8b809bc Redesign details view.
The details view is now implemented with css grid, in a full-window
no-scroll layout (except for small screens, where the design is still
sequential and scroll is used)

This incudes some cleanup of the markup and corresponding changes in
the admin script.
2020-07-16 20:12:22 +02:00

35 lines
1.9 KiB

@use super::base;
@use crate::models::{Photo, Person, Place, Tag, Camera, Coord, SizeTag};
@use crate::server::{Context, Link};
@(context: &Context, lpath: &[Link], people: &[Person], places: &[Place], tags: &[Tag], position: &Option<Coord>, attribution: &Option<String>, camera: &Option<Camera>, photo: &Photo)
@:base(context, "Photo details", lpath, {
<meta property='og:title' content='Photo @if let Some(d) = {(@d.format("%F"))}'>
<meta property='og:type' content='image' />
<meta property='og:image' content='/img/' />
<meta property='og:description' content='@for p in people {@p.person_name, }@for t in tags {#@t.tag_name, }@if let Some(p) = places.first() {@p.place_name}'>
}, {
<main class="details" data-imgid=""@if let Some(g) = photo.grade { data-grade="@g"}@if let Some(ref p) = *position { data-position="[@p.x, @p.y]"}>
<h1>Photo details</h1>
<img class="item" src="/img/" width="@photo.get_size(SizeTag::Medium).0" height="@photo.get_size(SizeTag::Medium).1">
<div class="meta">
@if context.is_authorized() {
<p><a href="/img/">@photo.path</a></p>
@if photo.is_public() {<p>This photo is public.</p>}
else {<p>This photo is not public.</p>}
@if let Some(g) = photo.grade {<p>Grade: @g</p>}
@if let Some(d) = {<p>Time: @d.format("%F %T")</p>}
@if !people.is_empty() {
<p>People: @for p in people {<a href="/person/@p.slug">@p.person_name</a>, }</p>}
@if !tags.is_empty() {
<p>Tags: @for t in tags {<a href="/tag/@t.slug">@t.tag_name</a>, }</p>}
@if !places.is_empty() {
<p class="places">Places: @for p in places {<a href="/place/@p.slug">@p.place_name</a>, }</p>}
@if let Some(ref pos) = *position {<p>Position: @pos.x @pos.y</p>}
@if let Some(ref a) = *attribution {<p>Av: @a</p>}
@if let Some(ref c) = *camera {<p>Camera: @c.model (@c.manufacturer)</p>}