use std::path::PathBuf; use image::open as image_open; use image::{FilterType, ImageFormat, GenericImage}; use models::Photo; pub struct PhotosDir { basedir: PathBuf } impl PhotosDir { pub fn new(basedir: PathBuf) -> PhotosDir { PhotosDir { basedir: basedir } } pub fn get_scaled_image(&self, photo: Photo, width: u32, height: u32) -> Vec { let path = self.basedir.join(photo.path); info!("Should open {:?}", path); let img = image_open(path).unwrap(); let img = if width < img.width() || height < img.height() { img.resize(width, height, FilterType::Nearest) } else { img }; let img = match photo.rotation { _x @ 0...44 => img, _x @ 45...134 => img.rotate90(), _x @ 135...224 => img.rotate180(), _x @ 225...314 => img.rotate270(), _x @ 315...360 => img, x => { warn!("Should rotate photo {} deg, which is unsupported", x); img } }; // TODO Put the icon in some kind of cache! let mut buf : Vec = Vec::new(); buf, ImageFormat::JPEG).unwrap(); buf } }