#[macro_use] extern crate nickel; #[macro_use] extern crate log; extern crate djangohashers; extern crate env_logger; extern crate nickel_jwt_session; extern crate rustc_serialize; extern crate typemap; extern crate plugin; extern crate image; extern crate hyper; extern crate time; extern crate chrono; extern crate rexif; extern crate rphotos; extern crate r2d2; extern crate nickel_diesel; #[macro_use] extern crate diesel; extern crate r2d2_diesel; extern crate dotenv; use nickel_diesel::{DieselMiddleware, DieselRequestExtensions}; use r2d2::NopErrorHandler; use chrono::Duration as ChDuration; use chrono::Datelike; use dotenv::dotenv; use hyper::header::{Expires, HttpDate}; use nickel::{FormBody, Halt, HttpRouter, MediaType, MiddlewareResult, Nickel, Request, Response, StaticFilesHandler}; use nickel::extensions::response::Redirect; use nickel_jwt_session::{SessionMiddleware, SessionRequestExtensions, SessionResponseExtensions}; use time::Duration; use nickel::status::StatusCode; use diesel::expression::sql_literal::SqlLiteral; use diesel::prelude::*; use diesel::pg::PgConnection; use chrono::naive::date::NaiveDate; use rphotos::models::{Person, Photo, Place, Tag}; use std::io::{self, Write}; mod env; use env::{dburl, env_or, jwt_key, photos_dir}; mod photosdir; mod requestloggermiddleware; use requestloggermiddleware::RequestLoggerMiddleware; mod photosdirmiddleware; use photosdirmiddleware::{PhotosDirMiddleware, PhotosDirRequestExtensions}; #[macro_use] mod nickelext; use nickelext::FromSlug; use templates::Html; pub static CSSLINK: Html<&'static str> = Html(include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/stylelink"))); #[derive(Debug, Clone, RustcEncodable)] pub struct Group { title: String, url: String, count: i64, photo: Photo, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, RustcEncodable)] pub struct Coord { x: f64, y: f64, } fn monthname(n: u32) -> &'static str { match n { 1 => "january", 2 => "february", 3 => "march", 4 => "april", 5 => "may", 6 => "june", 7 => "july", 8 => "august", 9 => "september", 10 => "october", 11 => "november", 12 => "december", _ => "non-month", } } fn main() { dotenv().ok(); env_logger::init().unwrap(); info!("Initalized logger"); let mut server = Nickel::new(); server.utilize(RequestLoggerMiddleware); server.utilize(SessionMiddleware::new(&jwt_key())); // TODO This is a "build" location, not an "install" location ... let staticdir = concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/static/"); info!("Serving static files from {}", staticdir); server.utilize(StaticFilesHandler::new(staticdir)); let dm: DieselMiddleware = DieselMiddleware::new(&dburl(), 5, Box::new(NopErrorHandler)).unwrap(); server.utilize(dm); server.utilize(PhotosDirMiddleware::new(photos_dir())); wrap2!(server.get /login, login); wrap2!(server.post /login, do_login); wrap2!(server.get /logout, logout); server.get("/", all_years); wrap2!(server.get /img/:id/:size, show_image); wrap2!(server.get /tag/, tag_all); wrap2!(server.get /tag/:tag, tag_one); wrap2!(server.get /place/, place_all); wrap2!(server.get /place/:slug, place_one); wrap2!(server.get /person/, person_all); wrap2!(server.get /person/:slug, person_one); wrap2!(server.get /details/:id, photo_details); server.get("/0/", all_null_date); wrap2!(server.get /:year/, months_in_year); wrap2!(server.get /:year/:month/, days_in_month); wrap2!(server.get /:year/:month/:day/, all_for_day); wrap2!(server.get /thisday, on_this_day); server.listen(&*env_or("RPHOTOS_LISTEN", "")).expect("listen"); } fn login<'mw>(_req: &mut Request, mut res: Response<'mw>) -> MiddlewareResult<'mw> { res.clear_jwt(); render(res, |o| templates::login(o)) } fn do_login<'mw>(req: &mut Request, mut res: Response<'mw>) -> MiddlewareResult<'mw> { let c: &PgConnection = &req.db_conn(); let form_data = try_with!(res, req.form_body()); if let (Some(user), Some(pw)) = (form_data.get("user"), form_data.get("password")) { use rphotos::schema::users::dsl::*; if let Ok(hash) = users.filter(username.eq(user)) .select(password) .first::(c) { debug!("Hash for {} is {}", user, hash); if djangohashers::check_password_tolerant(pw, &hash) { info!("User {} logged in", user); res.set_jwt_user(user); return res.redirect("/"); } debug!("Password verification failed"); } else { debug!("No hash found for {}", user); } } render(res, |o| templates::login(o)) } fn logout<'mw>(_req: &mut Request, mut res: Response<'mw>) -> MiddlewareResult<'mw> { res.clear_jwt(); res.redirect("/") } enum SizeTag { Small, Medium, Large, } impl SizeTag { fn px(&self) -> u32 { match *self { SizeTag::Small => 240, SizeTag::Medium => 960, SizeTag::Large => 1900, } } } impl FromSlug for SizeTag { fn parse(slug: &str) -> Option { match slug { "s" => Some(SizeTag::Small), "m" => Some(SizeTag::Medium), "l" => Some(SizeTag::Large), _ => None, } } } fn show_image<'mw>(req: &Request, mut res: Response<'mw>, the_id: i32, size: SizeTag) -> MiddlewareResult<'mw> { use rphotos::schema::photos::dsl::photos; let c: &PgConnection = &req.db_conn(); if let Ok(tphoto) = photos.find(the_id).first::(c) { if req.authorized_user().is_some() || tphoto.is_public() { let size = size.px(); match req.photos().get_scaled_image(tphoto, size, size) { Ok(buf) => { res.set(MediaType::Jpeg); res.set(Expires(HttpDate(time::now() + Duration::days(14)))); return res.send(buf); } Err(err) => { return res.error(StatusCode::InternalServerError, format!("{}", err)); } } } } res.error(StatusCode::NotFound, "No such image") } fn tag_all<'mw>(req: &mut Request, res: Response<'mw>) -> MiddlewareResult<'mw> { use rphotos::schema::tags::dsl::{id, tag_name, tags}; let c: &PgConnection = &req.db_conn(); let query = tags.into_boxed(); let query = if req.authorized_user().is_some() { query } else { use rphotos::schema::photo_tags::dsl as tp; use rphotos::schema::photos::dsl as p; query.filter(id.eq_any(tp::photo_tags .select(tp::tag_id) .filter(tp::photo_id .eq_any(p::photos .select(p::id) .filter(p::is_public))))) }; render(res, |o| templates::tags( o, req.authorized_user(), query .order(tag_name) .load(c) .expect("List tags"))) } fn tag_one<'mw>(req: &mut Request, res: Response<'mw>, tslug: String) -> MiddlewareResult<'mw> { use rphotos::schema::tags::dsl::{slug, tags}; let c: &PgConnection = &req.db_conn(); if let Ok(tag) = tags.filter(slug.eq(tslug)).first::(c) { use rphotos::schema::photos::dsl::id; use rphotos::schema::photo_tags::dsl::{photo_id, photo_tags, tag_id}; return render(res, |o| templates::tag( o, req.authorized_user(), Photo::query(req.authorized_user().is_some()) .filter(id.eq_any(photo_tags.select(photo_id) .filter(tag_id.eq(tag.id)))) .load(c).unwrap(), // TODO // .desc_nulls_last("grade") // .desc_nulls_last("date") tag)); } res.error(StatusCode::NotFound, "Not a tag") } fn place_all<'mw>(req: &mut Request, res: Response<'mw>) -> MiddlewareResult<'mw> { use rphotos::schema::places::dsl::{id, place_name, places}; let query = places.into_boxed(); let query = if req.authorized_user().is_some() { query } else { use rphotos::schema::photo_places::dsl as pp; use rphotos::schema::photos::dsl as p; query.filter(id.eq_any(pp::photo_places .select(pp::place_id) .filter(pp::photo_id .eq_any(p::photos .select(p::id) .filter(p::is_public))))) }; let c: &PgConnection = &req.db_conn(); render(res, |o| templates::places( o, req.authorized_user(), query.order(place_name).load(c).expect("List places"))) } fn place_one<'mw>(req: &mut Request, res: Response<'mw>, tslug: String) -> MiddlewareResult<'mw> { use rphotos::schema::places::dsl::{places, slug}; let c: &PgConnection = &req.db_conn(); if let Ok(place) = places.filter(slug.eq(tslug)).first::(c) { use rphotos::schema::photos::dsl::id; use rphotos::schema::photo_places::dsl::{photo_id, photo_places, place_id}; return render(res, |o| templates::place( o, req.authorized_user(), Photo::query(req.authorized_user().is_some()) .filter(id.eq_any(photo_places.select(photo_id) .filter(place_id.eq(place.id)))) .load(c).unwrap(), // TODO // .desc_nulls_last("grade") // .desc_nulls_last("date") place)); } res.error(StatusCode::NotFound, "Not a place") } fn person_all<'mw>(req: &mut Request, res: Response<'mw>) -> MiddlewareResult<'mw> { use rphotos::schema::people::dsl::{id, people, person_name}; let query = people.into_boxed(); let query = if req.authorized_user().is_some() { query } else { use rphotos::schema::photo_people::dsl as pp; use rphotos::schema::photos::dsl as p; query.filter(id.eq_any(pp::photo_people .select(pp::person_id) .filter(pp::photo_id .eq_any(p::photos .select(p::id) .filter(p::is_public))))) }; let c: &PgConnection = &req.db_conn(); render(res, |o| templates::people( o, req.authorized_user(), query.order(person_name).load(c).expect("list people"))) } fn person_one<'mw>(req: &mut Request, res: Response<'mw>, tslug: String) -> MiddlewareResult<'mw> { use rphotos::schema::people::dsl::{people, slug}; let c: &PgConnection = &req.db_conn(); if let Ok(person) = people.filter(slug.eq(tslug)).first::(c) { use rphotos::schema::photos::dsl::id; use rphotos::schema::photo_people::dsl::{person_id, photo_id, photo_people}; return render(res, |o| templates::person( o, req.authorized_user(), Photo::query(req.authorized_user().is_some()) .filter(id.eq_any(photo_people.select(photo_id) .filter(person_id.eq(person.id)))) .load(c).unwrap(), // TODO // .desc_nulls_last("grade") // .desc_nulls_last("date") person)); } res.error(StatusCode::NotFound, "Not a person") } fn photo_details<'mw>(req: &mut Request, res: Response<'mw>, id: i32) -> MiddlewareResult<'mw> { use rphotos::schema::photos::dsl::photos; let c: &PgConnection = &req.db_conn(); if let Ok(tphoto) = photos.find(id).first::(c) { if req.authorized_user().is_some() || tphoto.is_public() { return render(res, |o| templates::details( o, tphoto.date .map(|d| vec![Link::year(d.year()), Link::month(d.year(), d.month()), Link::day(d.year(), d.month(), d.day())]) .unwrap_or_else(|| vec![]), req.authorized_user(), { use rphotos::schema::people::dsl::{people, id}; use rphotos::schema::photo_people::dsl::{photo_people, photo_id, person_id}; people.filter(id.eq_any(photo_people.select(person_id) .filter(photo_id.eq(tphoto.id)))) .load(c).unwrap() }, { use rphotos::schema::places::dsl::{places, id}; use rphotos::schema::photo_places::dsl::{photo_places, photo_id, place_id}; places.filter(id.eq_any(photo_places.select(place_id) .filter(photo_id.eq(tphoto.id)))) .load(c).unwrap() }, { use rphotos::schema::tags::dsl::{tags, id}; use rphotos::schema::photo_tags::dsl::{photo_tags, photo_id, tag_id}; tags.filter(id.eq_any(photo_tags.select(tag_id) .filter(photo_id.eq(tphoto.id)))) .load(c).unwrap() }, { use rphotos::schema::positions::dsl::*; match positions.filter(photo_id.eq(tphoto.id)) .select((latitude, longitude)) .first::<(i32, i32)>(c) { Ok((tlat, tlong)) => Some(Coord { x: tlat as f64 / 1e6, y: tlong as f64 / 1e6, }), Err(diesel::NotFound) => None, Err(err) => { error!("Failed to read position: {}", err); None } } }, { use rphotos::schema::cameras::dsl::*; tphoto.camera_id.map(|i| { cameras.find(i).first(c).unwrap() }) }, match tphoto.date { Some(d) => d.format("%T").to_string(), None => "".to_string() }, tphoto)); } } res.error(StatusCode::NotFound, "Photo not found") } fn all_years<'mw>(req: &mut Request, res: Response<'mw>) -> MiddlewareResult<'mw> { use rphotos::schema::photos::dsl::{date, grade}; let c: &PgConnection = &req.db_conn(); let user: Option = req.authorized_user(); let groups: Vec = SqlLiteral::new(format!( "select cast(extract(year from date) as int) y, count(*) c \ from photos{} group by y order by y", if req.authorized_user().is_none() { " where is_public" } else { "" })) .load::<(Option, i64)>(c).unwrap() .iter().map(|&(year, count)| { let q = Photo::query(req.authorized_user().is_some()) .order((grade.desc(), date.asc())) .limit(1); let photo = if let Some(year) = year { q.filter(date.ge(NaiveDate::from_ymd(year, 1, 1) .and_hms(0, 0, 0))) .filter(date.lt(NaiveDate::from_ymd(year + 1, 1, 1) .and_hms(0, 0, 0))) .first::(c).unwrap() } else { q.filter(date.is_null()) .first::(c).unwrap() }; Group { title: year.map(|y|format!("{}", y)) .unwrap_or("-".to_string()), url: format!("/{}/", year.unwrap_or(0)), count: count, photo: photo } }).collect(); render(res, |o| templates::groups(o, "All photos", Vec::new(), user, groups)) } fn months_in_year<'mw>(req: &mut Request, res: Response<'mw>, year: i32) -> MiddlewareResult<'mw> { use rphotos::schema::photos::dsl::{date, grade}; let c: &PgConnection = &req.db_conn(); let user: Option = req.authorized_user(); let title: String = format!("Photos from {}", year); let groups: Vec = SqlLiteral::new(format!( "select cast(extract(month from date) as int) m, count(*) c \ from photos where extract(year from date)={}{} \ group by m order by m", year, if req.authorized_user().is_none() { " and is_public" } else { "" })) .load::<(Option, i64)>(c).unwrap() .iter().map(|&(month, count)| { let month = month.map(|y| y as u32).unwrap_or(0); let fromdate = NaiveDate::from_ymd(year, month, 1).and_hms(0, 0, 0); let todate = if month == 12 { NaiveDate::from_ymd(year + 1, 1, 1) } else { NaiveDate::from_ymd(year, month + 1, 1) } .and_hms(0, 0, 0); let photo = Photo::query(req.authorized_user().is_some()) .filter(date.ge(fromdate)) .filter(date.lt(todate)) .order((grade.desc(), date.asc())) .limit(1) .first::(c).unwrap(); Group { title: monthname(month).to_string(), url: format!("/{}/{}/", year, month), count: count, photo: photo } }).collect(); if groups.is_empty() { res.error(StatusCode::NotFound, "No such image") } else { render(res, |o| templates::groups(o, &title, Vec::new(), user, groups)) } } fn days_in_month<'mw>(req: &mut Request, res: Response<'mw>, year: i32, month: u32) -> MiddlewareResult<'mw> { use rphotos::schema::photos::dsl::{date, grade}; let c: &PgConnection = &req.db_conn(); let user: Option = req.authorized_user(); let lpath: Vec = vec![Link::year(year)]; let title: String = format!("Photos from {} {}", monthname(month), year); let groups: Vec = SqlLiteral::new(format!( "select cast(extract(day from date) as int) d, count(*) c \ from photos where extract(year from date)={} \ and extract(month from date)={}{} group by d order by d", year, month, if req.authorized_user().is_none() { " and is_public" } else { "" })) .load::<(Option, i64)>(c).unwrap() .iter().map(|&(day, count)| { let day = day.map(|y| y as u32).unwrap_or(0); let fromdate = NaiveDate::from_ymd(year, month, day) .and_hms(0, 0, 0); let photo = Photo::query(req.authorized_user().is_some()) .filter(date.ge(fromdate)) .filter(date.lt(fromdate + ChDuration::days(1))) .order((grade.desc(), date.asc())) .limit(1) .first::(c).unwrap(); Group { title: format!("{}", day), url: format!("/{}/{}/{}", year, month, day), count: count, photo: photo } }).collect(); if groups.is_empty() { res.error(StatusCode::NotFound, "No such image") } else { render(res, |o| templates::groups(o, &title, lpath, user, groups)) } } fn all_null_date<'mw>(req: &mut Request, res: Response<'mw>) -> MiddlewareResult<'mw> { use rphotos::schema::photos::dsl::{date, path}; let c: &PgConnection = &req.db_conn(); render(res, |o| templates::index( o, &"Photos without a date", vec![], req.authorized_user(), Photo::query(req.authorized_user().is_some()) .filter(date.is_null()) .order(path.asc()) .limit(500) .load(c).unwrap())) } fn all_for_day<'mw>(req: &mut Request, res: Response<'mw>, year: i32, month: u32, day: u32) -> MiddlewareResult<'mw> { let thedate = NaiveDate::from_ymd(year, month, day).and_hms(0, 0, 0); use rphotos::schema::photos::dsl::{date, grade}; let c: &PgConnection = &req.db_conn(); let photos: Vec = Photo::query(req.authorized_user().is_some()) .filter(date.ge(thedate)) .filter(date.lt(thedate + ChDuration::days(1))) .order((grade.desc(), date.asc())) .limit(500) .load(c).unwrap(); if photos.is_empty() { res.error(StatusCode::NotFound, "No such image") } else { render(res, |o| templates::index( o, &format!("Photos from {} {} {}", day, monthname(month), year), vec![Link::year(year), Link::month(year, month)], req.authorized_user(), photos)) } } fn on_this_day<'mw>(req: &mut Request, res: Response<'mw>) -> MiddlewareResult<'mw> { use rphotos::schema::photos::dsl::{date, grade}; let c: &PgConnection = &req.db_conn(); let (month, day) = { let now = time::now(); (now.tm_mon as u32 + 1, now.tm_mday as u32) }; render(res, |o| templates::groups( o, &format!("Photos from {} {}", day, monthname(month)), vec![], req.authorized_user(), SqlLiteral::new(format!( "select extract(year from date) y, count(*) c \ from photos where extract(month from date)={} \ and extract(day from date)={}{} group by y order by y desc", month, day, if req.authorized_user().is_none() { " and is_public" } else { "" })) .load::<(Option, i64)>(c).unwrap() .iter().map(|&(year, count)| { let year = year.map(|y| y as i32).unwrap_or(0); let fromdate = NaiveDate::from_ymd(year, month as u32, day) .and_hms(0, 0, 0); let photo = Photo::query(req.authorized_user().is_some()) .filter(date.ge(fromdate)) .filter(date.lt(fromdate + ChDuration::days(1))) .order((grade.desc(), date.asc())) .limit(1) .first::(c).unwrap(); Group { title: format!("{}", year), url: format!("/{}/{}/{}", year, month, day), count: count, photo: photo } }).collect())) } #[derive(Debug, Clone, RustcEncodable)] pub struct Link { pub url: String, pub name: String, } impl Link { fn year(year: i32) -> Self { Link { url: format!("/{}/", year), name: format!("{}", year), } } fn month(year: i32, month: u32) -> Self { Link { url: format!("/{}/{}/", year, month), name: format!("{}", month), } } fn day(year: i32, month: u32, day: u32) -> Self { Link { url: format!("/{}/{}/{}", year, month, day), name: format!("{}", day), } } } fn render<'mw, F>(res: Response<'mw>, do_render: F) ->MiddlewareResult<'mw> where F: FnOnce(&mut Write) -> io::Result<()> { let mut stream = try!(res.start()); match do_render(&mut stream) { Ok(()) => Ok(Halt(stream)), Err(e) => stream.bail(format!("Problem rendering template: {:?}", e)) } } include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/templates.rs"));