#[macro_use] extern crate nickel; #[macro_use] extern crate log; extern crate env_logger; extern crate rustorm; extern crate rustc_serialize; extern crate typemap; extern crate plugin; extern crate image; extern crate hyper; extern crate time; mod models; use hyper::header::{Expires, HttpDate}; use image::open as image_open; use image::{FilterType, ImageFormat}; use models::{Photo, Tag, query_for}; use nickel::{MediaType, Nickel, StaticFilesHandler}; use plugin::{Pluggable}; use rustc_serialize::Encodable; use rustorm::database::{Database}; use rustorm::query::Query; use rustorm::table::IsTable; use std::collections::HashMap; use time::Duration; mod env; use env::dburl; mod rustormmiddleware; use rustormmiddleware::{RustormMiddleware, RustormRequestExtensions}; #[derive(Debug, Clone, RustcEncodable)] struct DetailsData { photo: Photo, tags: Vec } #[derive(Debug, Clone, RustcEncodable)] struct TagData { tag: Tag, photos: Vec } fn get_scaled_image(photo: Photo, width: u32, height: u32) -> Vec { let path = format!("/home/kaj/Bilder/foto/{}", photo.path); info!("Should open {}", path); let img = image_open(path).unwrap(); let scaled = img.resize(width, height, FilterType::Nearest); // TODO Put the icon in some kind of cache! let mut buf : Vec = Vec::new(); scaled.save(&mut buf, ImageFormat::JPEG).unwrap(); buf } fn main() { env_logger::init().unwrap(); info!("Initalized logger"); // NOTE pool will need to be mut if we do db writes? // let pool = ManagedPool::init(&dburl(), 1).unwrap(); info!("Initalized pool"); let mut server = Nickel::new(); server.utilize(StaticFilesHandler::new("static/")); server.utilize(RustormMiddleware::new(&dburl())); server.utilize(router! { get "/" => |req, res| { let photos: Vec = query_for::().limit(25) .collect(req.db_conn()).unwrap(); info!("Got some photos: {:?}", photos); let mut data = HashMap::new(); data.insert("photos", &photos); // data.insert("name", "Self".into()); return res.render("templates/index.tpl", &data); } get "/details/:id" => |req, res| { if let Ok(id) = req.param("id").unwrap().parse::() { if let Ok(photo) = req.orm_get::("id", &id) { let mut q = Query::select(); q.only_from(&Tag::table()); q.left_join_table("photo_tag", "tag.id", "photo_tag.tag") .filter_eq("photo_tag.photo", &photo.id); let tags = q.collect(req.db_conn()).unwrap(); return res.render("templates/details.tpl", &DetailsData { photo: photo, tags: tags }); } } } get "/tag/" => |req, res| { let tags: Vec = query_for::().asc("tag") .collect(req.db_conn()).unwrap(); let mut data = HashMap::new(); data.insert("tags", &tags); return res.render("templates/tags.tpl", &data); } get "/tag/:tag" => |req, res| { let slug = req.param("tag").unwrap(); if let Ok(tag) = req.orm_get::("slug", &slug) { let mut q = Query::select(); q.only_from(&Photo::table()); q.left_join_table("photo_tag", "photo.id", "photo_tag.photo") .filter_eq("photo_tag.tag", &tag.id); let photos : Vec = q.collect(req.db_conn()).unwrap(); return res.render("templates/tag.tpl", &TagData { tag: tag, photos: photos }); } } get "/icon/:id" => |req, mut res| { if let Ok(id) = req.param("id").unwrap().parse::() { if let Ok(photo) = req.orm_get::("id", &id) { let buf = get_scaled_image(photo, 200, 180); res.set(MediaType::Jpeg); res.set(Expires(HttpDate(time::now() + Duration::days(14)))); return res.send(buf); } } } get "/view/:id" => |req, mut res| { if let Ok(id) = req.param("id").unwrap().parse::() { if let Ok(photo) = req.orm_get::("id", &id) { let buf = get_scaled_image(photo, 800, 600); res.set(MediaType::Jpeg); res.set(Expires(HttpDate(time::now() + Duration::days(14)))); return res.send(buf); } } } }); server.listen(""); }