* Implement negative searching: Seach for images with or _without_
specific tags, places or people.
* Rewrote GlobalContext.verify_key to get rid of some clippy warnings.
* Fix some warnings with rustc 1.37.
* Update structopt to 0.3, r2d2-memcache to 0.4.0, and ructe to 0.7.2.
* User "medallion" 2.3.1 instead of "jwt".
* Magic pos / !pos search.
* Make overpass API url configurable.
* Shorter db usage from pool.
Don't keep a db handle checked out from the pool for the entire
request, but instead check out one when needed. Hopefully, this means
it won't keep a db connection busy while scaling an image.
* Make photo size required in db.
* Improve size/pos of admin buttons.
* Fix commandline bug from structopt transition.
* Add a command to make images public by tag.
* Update brotli to native rust implementation.
* Some internal code cleanup.
* Add a command to fix missing image sizes in db.
* More work on sizing in image lists.
* Update dotenv to 0.14.0.
* Find images that has position but no places in a more efficient way
in fetch-places.
* PR #2: Use warp instead of nickel.
* PR #3: Use edition 2018.
* Use pooled r2d2-memcache instead of the old memcached-rust.
* Updated style: Use more screen for images and less for borders and
* Fixed broken keyboard stuff in admin.
* Updated leaflet.
* Improved the split function, this way it should never create zero-size
* Update some dependencies.
* Some random cleanup.
* Add opengraph metadata to photo details.
* Add positions map to year view.
* Multiple improvements in fetch_places.
* Use serde (rather than rustc-serialize) for json responses and fetch_places.
* Update ructe to 0.5, reqwest to 0.9, and image to 0.20.
* Enable submitting location by pressing enter.
* Allow deeper zoom when placing image.
* Add time limit to precache command.
* Added auto arg to fetchplaces command.
* Merge PR #1: Get location names from OSM.
- Improve presentation of places on a photo.
- Put places after tags on details.
- Fetch OSM places when setting image position.
- Added a command line subcommand to fetch places for specified images.
* Quit using diesel_infer_schema. Instead, let diesel keep
src/schema.rs up-to-date when migrating.
* Test and improve splitting a group.
* Upgrade dotenv and diesel dependencies.
- Use r2d2 as diesel feature, not separate crate.